Posted by Nancy Danforth on Nov 02, 2022

Club meeting.


Carrie called the meeting to order at 7:30.


Richard gave us a summary of the history of the four way test.   


Carrie acknowledged Gary and Annette for shopping for breakfast food and doing the cooking  along with the help of Chris Davis and Carrie Fenn.


Carol reminded us that November is Rotary Foundation month.  She will be doing a presentation soon.  


Richard briefed the club on this past weekend’s Halloween parade.  He encouraged us to send him an email with any comments or concerns we may have received. ABC and Fox News did some brief publicity.  The post parade photo shoot of children in their costumes was very popular and well received and will be included next year.  If you have signs, please bring them to Richard’s office.


Carrie thanked the volunteers from the race this past weekend.


Richard also shared the District Training event on November 12 at Lyndon, Vermont. Open to all, teaching best practices, district grant training(every club requires certification), Erika will present on DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion)with goals, and additional round tables on other topics. The event is free.  


November 10 is the Public House social event for our club. 


Carol shared her daughter’s upcoming book launch happening this weekend.  Everyone received an emailed invitation. 


Jessica shared that Jim Donovan may host the holiday party at his home or it will be at Backyard Bistro. Stay tuned for more details. 


Carrie acknowledged Amanda’s incredible work on our social media platforms.  


Carrie asked the club if they want to do the fundraising event “Pie for Breakfast” next year in March. The club overwhelmingly agreed so a tentative date of Saturday March 18 was set. Keith volunteered to chair the committee.  Shelburne Vineyard would be a great location again but there is some concern about parking.  The Teddy Bear Factory was also discussed as an option.


Denis collected the happy fines.  


Jessica gave a summary for November 8 voting day. Included on the ballot is Proposal 2, which takes the word “slavery” out of the constitution. And Proposal 5, which provides a women’s right to choose, basically, into the constitution.  These are the two key items on the ballot along with the candidates running for office.


Diana briefed the club on the voting parameters.  You can still order your ballots for voting, able to drop them off or come in on voting day to cast it.  3700 ballots have already been turned in for Shelburne. To check if your ballot has been received go to “My Voter Page” at Vermont Secretary of State: to check.  CSWD  is on the ballot for the facility in Shelburne.  


Amanda offered to help people do the survey on social media and Carrie encouraged everyone to update their information on Clubrunner.  


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.