Posted by Dan York on Jun 16, 2021
This morning's speakers were Rep. Jessica Brumsted of Shelburne and Rep. Mike Yantachka of Charlotte who provided a report on this year’s activities of the Vermont legislature. 

CSH Rotary 2021-06-16


Chris Davis rang the bell to open the meeting at 7:33.


Susan Grimes provided the opening words.


Carrie Fenn said that for school lunches, help will be needed starting on June 28 at Shelburne Community School on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10-11:30. Carrie will create a Google Sheet for people to sign up to volunteer. Chris Davis mentioned that the Charlotte Library will be distributing food


Chris reminded everyone to send in their dues.


Chris also reminded everyone to RSVP for the Changing of the Guard. He discussed some of the logistics.


Chris asked for volunteers to help out at the race this Saturday at Basin Harbor.


Bob Sanders said that he and Susan have been discussing doing the golf ball drop again this year. They will be having a meeting at the Shelburne Tap House on Thursday at noon. Chris mentioned that he is in touch with Rev. Moser at the Trinity Episcopal Church to get access to the golf balls that are still stored in the church basement.


Linda Gilbert said there is a good group ready to help with weeding the Charlotte school garden. They will meet on Monday at noon to go over what they need to be doing during the summer. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact Linda.


The group discussed the potential return to in-person meetings. Last week we decided to pursue using the Methodist Church in Shelburne. Chris, Susan, and Dan York will be visiting the church today to test the Internet access and make sure we can do hybrid meetings.


The speakers were Rep. Jessica Brumsted and Rep. Mike Yantachka who provided a report on this year’s activities of the Vermont legislature. There was a good discussion with many questions.


Linda Gilbert provided the closing words.


Susan Grimes adjourned the meeting at 8:40am.