Speaker is Laurie Quinn, President, Stern Center for Language and Learning
Susan called the meeting to order at 7:30 am.
Nancy shared the opening words.
Ric led the club in the four way test.
Susan introduced our guests, Peter Hawk and Laurie Quinn.
Richard Fox provided a parade update for this Sundays’ parade. An email with your duties will be sent out today. Richard has estimated this club has been hosting this parade for about forty five years. We need to be visible so wear a costume or Rotary apparel.
Jim Donovan announced the crocus bulbs are in and we need to plant this Saturday the 30th at the Charlotte Library and November 6 in Shelburne near the pond 9:00.
Jim also shared that garden maintenance will take place in Charlotte on November 30.
Susan received a thank you card from Emma Bissonette which she read to the club. Emma is a CSH scholarship recipient currently a student at University of Rhode Island.
Susan received an email from John K of Toys for Kids VT requesting help from our club for barrel monitors. Nancy will call John for information. http://toysforkidsvt.com/
Susan shared information on the Shelter Box Zoom event being held on November 4. Registration is required but the event is free. This event will highlight the lifesaving work the generous support of our donors has enabled. https://www.shelterboxusa.org/home-page/news/events/virtual/
The Burlington Sunrise Club will do a presentation to our club about the Tiny (food) Pantry they support in Hinesburg. The Eagle Scouts have constructed one in the village of Shelburne, north of Schips.
Finally, Susan reported that the Days Inn is being renovated so some residents are moving out to other hotels. A December food project is being considered for a couple of these residential facilities.
Dennis collected the happy fines.
Laurie Burke introduced Laurie Quinn from the Stern Center for Language and Learning. Laurie has been the president since February. She obtained her PhD from the University of New Hampshire and her Master’s degree from Boston College. Their mission statement: nonprofit educational center dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. Through high-quality direct service, professional learning and research, we are committed to enriching the lives of learners because all great minds don't think alike!
Dr. Blanche Podhajski founded the center in 1983.
The Center focuses on The Science of Reading, teaching children and educators with an unconventional approach to learning. This process involves evaluation and testing of a student from which a profile is created, tailoring these plans individually. They have found this approach 95% effective in their long term experience.
A portion of their work is educating the teachers, working with school districts and ultimately, the teachers, so that every child learns to read. In Vermont, 63% of our fourth graders are not sufficient in their reading skills.
Jim Donovan presented Laurie with the book “When You Wonder, You’re Learning: Mr Rogers Enduring Lessons for Raising Creative, Curious, Caring Kids” which will be presented to The Hinesburg Library in her name.
Nancy shared closing words.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 am.