January 22nd Meeting
Today, our speaker was Mark Redmond from Spectrum Youth and Families. Mark, Spectrum’s Executive Director since 2003, has dedicated his career to supporting homeless and at-risk youth, with experience spanning over four decades in cities like New York and Stamford.
Besides all his work in Burlington setting up a warm and cozy drop in space for homeless youth and young adults to come for help, a warm meal, and a place to possibly sleep, he has found a way to do the same in St. Albans as well. Last year, Spectrum opened a drop in center in St. Albans and is currently very close to adding housing options for youth there as well! Brattleboro is another area that could use assistance and so Mark has rolled up his sleeves along with his incredible staff looking for new ways to do more in the Southern part of our state too!
So, what happens when a 17 year old shows up at the Spectrum Day Center in Burlington? He/she is welcomed in – there is warm food throughout the day and comfortable places to sit and talk with trained counselors that will ask how they are, where they are sleeping, do they have an alcohol or drug problem, have they graduated from high school/college, do they need mental health supports – and with every answer this young man/woman is given helpful options, like here is how we can help you get your high school diploma, here is how we can help connect you to medical assistance for your addiction, here is how we can help you find a job, learn to drive, find housing, etc., etc. Spectrum is truly an incredible organization that is funded 50% with help from the government while the other half comes from donations. Donations of both volunteers and funds are welcome and most appreciated.
In Mark’s free time he has written a memoir, The Goodness Within; reaching out to troubled teens with love and compassion. The Rotary is purchasing this book and plans to donate it to the Hinesburg Library in Mark’s name. There were lots of questions and discussion following Mark’s presentation.
The meeting concluded at 8:27 am.