Today is the Charlotte Shelburne Hinesburg Rotary Speech Contest as well as our guest speaker Sarah Stillman of Bear Moon Botanica.
Zoe Mui and Kate Sayre are the contest contestants.
Carrie called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Ric presented a Paul Harris Plus 1 award to Dan York.
Amanda presented the Rotary District 7850 High School Speech contest, round one, rules, topic and speakers. The topic is “Why is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Important?” The winner receives a $200 prize and moves up to the next round. The winner must attend the next round to receive the $200 prize.
Carrie interviewed Zoe first who is involved in a variety of school activities including student council and track, among many other activities!
Carrie interviewed Kate Sayre who is also involved at school in skiing, Amnesty International and cross country running.
Once the speeches were over, the judges’ decision was provided to Amanda, who announced the winner as Zoe and the runner up as Kate.
Diana introduced our speaker Sarah Stillman, Herbalist and owner of Bear Moon Botanicals and works as an event planner.
Sarah was an attendee at the Shelburne Farmer’s Market and commented on the help Rotary provided at the farmer’s market this past summer. She is here today to present an idea for special education students and their presence at the Farmer’s Market this summer as volunteers. She asked us if Rotary would volunteer as “touch points” for these volunteers. CVU has indicated they will support this program in any way they can.
The question to our club is, are we willing to provide the touch point, tee shirts, or other ways we may help? Carrie gave a quick synopsis of what Rotary does at these markets and echoed that we do set up and take down but our duties have expanded well beyond that duty.
How involved do we want to be? Can we be part of this support system?
Keith mentioned the children are welcome to attend our Pie For Breakfast and bus tables or perform other tasks to assist us.
Jim Donovan presented Sarah “On The Farm, At The Market” by G. Brian Karas, to be donated to The Shelburne Pierson Library.
Keith updated on Pie For Breakfast, advising the bakery can bake pies for any of us for the event for $20 per pie, if you don’t want to make one. Sophie will teach us on how to make crust at our meeting the week before.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25