Steve Burlington, Master Gardner, discussing plans for a new garden in front of the Shelburne Town Offices.
Club Meeting:
Announced that the Barre Rotary club is collecting sample-sized toiletries and new socks in August to donate to the Good Samaritan Haven and Rainbow Bridge Community Center to distribute to impacted residents of Barre City.
Please bring an item or two for one of the local food shelves on August 7th.
Important calendar items:
Now - October 12th; Community corner tent at Shelburne Farmers Market; sign up to help
August 4th Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival; come join our boat at the waterfront!
August 17th Mount Philo state Park Hike; everyone is welcome
September 13th Golf Ball Drop, fundraiser for the fire and rescue services - buy your tickets!
September 21st and 22nd is the second annual CSH Rotary Classic Pickleball Tournament
October 27th is the Halloween Parade, sponsored and organized by the CSH Rotary club
November 1st thru 7th is the WindowDressers build week
Steve Burdington came today to update the club about the donated Rotary pond out in front of the Shelburne Town Offices.  Steve is an artist and landscape designer who serves as Area Director of the Art and Art History Program at the University of Vermont.  His work focuses on the benefits of native plants in our environment.  He came to discuss the Town of Shelburne plans for renovating the Rotary pond.  The rotary donated the pond to Shelburne back in 2005; it is a beautiful pond but has been a bit neglected, the pump is broken and the area is fallen into disrepair.  The town is proposing a rather large renovation to the area - there will continue to be bird baths, but no running water.  Steve plans to establish more native plants in the garden that will need less maintenance and will attract birds and bees to the area.  These plantings will resemble the gardens across the parking lot at the Shelburne Pierson Library allowing for more unity of a town campus - Service Berry Trees will also be added which will provide vertical layering for birds and other wildlife.  The University of Vermont extension volunteers led by Steve Budington will help with weeding, signage and public education.  The club was happy to learn about this project and hope to be involved in various ways in the future.  It is hoped that this new project will begin in 2025.