Catherine Moller, CSH Rotarian, Classification Talk
Karen Medsker and Laurie York are our guests today.
Dan shared the Toys for Kids certificate from The Marine Corp with the club and individual certificates to Gerry Lawrence, Jim Donovan, and Richard Fox.
January 20 is the Shelburne Winter Carnival. Our club will provide access to a reading nook by Catherine Moller and Carrie Fenn from 1 to 3.
Dan presented the idea of increasing the cost of breakfast to $12. The increase is due to the rising cost of food and the cost of preparing the meal. Feedback was provided in the way of smaller meals, no meal at all and allocating the increase to dues.
Catherine told the club about herself and her life! She is the oldest of three with two younger and calls The Jersey Shore her home of origin. Her family moved a lot, so she has lived in Pennsylvania, Florida, and New Jersey. In high school in New Jersey, she participated in Interact and RYLA. She also studied Japanese in high school and spoke a bit for the club. She graduated from The University of Vermont with a B.A. in Asian studies and a double minor in Political Science and Business Administration and obtained her master’s degree from Champlain College. While in college, she competed in the Miss Vermont pageant, and she also worked through college.
She currently lives in Hinesburg with her husband, son, and daughter. She has been involved in a plethora of volunteer roles with many organizations including Relay for Life, Vermont Leadership Moms, Hinesburg Library Trustee, Business Networking Group, Little Free Pantry, Girl Scout Cookie Mom, and a youth summer track coach.
She worked as a software analyst at GEHC and now owns her own business, Sidepony Boutique in Hinesburg. Her mission statement is “using fashion as a way to empower others.”
In her “spare time,” Catherine loves competing in half and full marathons, reading, and doing jigsaw puzzles.
Jim Donovan presented Catherine with a book to be donated to The Hinesburg Library, after a vote by the club on which one of three to choose. “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero was the overwhelming choice by the club.
Dan asked the club to do some community project brainstorming: A solar project for a global grant, Pints for Polio with a possible link to the Arts, Charlotte Beach ticket booth expansion, Rotary International has a clean water project (S.B. Rotary and Essex have done work in this sustainable area, Lewis Creek clean up to incorporate local clean water, Earth day and Green Up day participation, Little Free Library projects supporting Literacy, another RI initiative, and Charlotte library rain garden initiative, to name a few! These ideas offer sweat equity in exchange for money opportunities.
Social activities-Dragon boat competition, Grange on the Green in Charlotte, Shelburne Vineyard wine tasting and Wild Hart Distillery tour & tasting.
Fundraising-Casino Night, Pickleball Tournament with fundraising option, Golf Ball Drop, Bicycle Tour Rental Shed, Garden Tours, Rotary Run, /Pie for Breakfast fundraiser and a Beer & Wine Festival.
Dan captured the ideas and will share them with the club.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.