Charlotte Shelburne Rotary Club
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Trinity Episcopal Church Community Room
President Richard Fox led the pledge and Doris Sage gave the devotional.
Richard announced upcoming events:
November 19: speaker Barbara Cimaglio
November 26: No meeting
December 3: Youth Day RYLA Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts
December 10: Committee Meetings
December 17: Holiday Party
Ric Flood reported on the Car Raffle. 140 people attended the raffle which was a great success. Many accolades to all involved.
Sergeant at Arms:
Evan Webster worked the crowd and collected happy fines.
Fritz Horton, Sam Feitelburg, Laura Keenan, Richard Fox: Happy about the Car raffle
George Schiavone happy we are gathered together
Bill Deming happy
Trafton Crandall happy his daughter is 4
John Dupee missing next meeting
Michael Clapp happy for what we do
Kris Engstrom happy to be with family
Lucky draw – Terrell Titus’s ticket was drawn. The joker failed to appear. Roll Over
Club Assembly:
The club discussed and approved a donation of $280 for the district polio plus event.
The club discussed and approved a donation of $500 to the Cancer Patient Support Network in his honor.
The club discussed this years Food Shelve Turkey Program. The Schiavones chair the food shelf committee and report everything is under control.
Carol Obuchoski announced that November is Foundation Month and the club will match the first $100 of a members donation to either Polio Plus or the Foundation

We have a winner!