Posted by Sally Wadhams on Nov 29, 2017
ROTARY MEETING of November 29, 2017
Meeting was opened by President Erik Kolomaznik , who led us in reciting Rotary’s Four Way Test.  Erik suggested how powerful it is to have a cohesive business statement – and useful to revisit our Rotary’s shared thoughts.

Lara Keenan, Carrie Fenn, Margaret Woodruff
December donations to the Rotary Foundation (Carole Obuchowski):  We are all asked to participate in a collection for the Rotary Foundation, which is a one-time yearly donation.  Polio Plus is just one example of their successful world wide programs.   Funding also returns back to our own club, with a match to us of up to $1000 of member donations.  She encouraged us to each make a donation of $26.50 or in a multiple of same.
Hands to Honduras Donations (Linda Gilbert):  Sheets were passed around with suggested donation items.  We’ll be gathering the items at our Dec. 20 meeting.  In the meantime, please sign up for specific items.
Ric Flood inducted Diana Vachon as our newest member.  She shared her love of nature, horses, and Dragonheart Vermont, and her goal to be a clown in the annual Halloween parade.  Diana is Shelburne’s Town Clerk and deeply committed to our community.
Former Shelburne librarian Lara Keenan brought us up to date about her new adventure as the State Consultant for Library Government and Management for the Vermont Department of Libraries, encouraging the 183 libraries in our state; running the Interlibrary loan system, consolidating 2 locations to Barre; facilitating the “job hunters” program and more.
In the past 6 months she as visited or talked with all but 50 of them!  She asks “What are you doing and how can we help you?” The libraries in our state are unfunded and individually governed and do not receive state tax money.  Shelburne happens to get 100% of their essentials from the tax payers, which is quite unusual.  Most Vermont libraries (i.e. Hinesburg) are independent non-profit corporations.  Shelburne and Charlotte are not. She did share that Phil Scott is a strong believer and supporter of public libraries.
Among other tasks, Lara helps libraries plan for successions of library directors and boards and helps them with strategic planning.  Because of budget cuts, the staff in her office has been reduced from a high of 60-90 to 9.  They hope to get to 18, but in the meantime, Lara is doing 5 jobs.
Lara introduced Margaret Woodruff, Charlotte’s librarian, who updated us on their library’s activities and programs.  They’ve had a 91% increase in program attendance since 2013.
Dec. 13:                  Classification Talk (Heather Lynch)
Dec. 19:                  Board Meeting
Dec. 20:                  Club Christmas Meeting
Dec. 27:                  No meeting – Holiday break
Jan. 3:                       Jamie Hathaway, CEO of Make-A-Wish Vermont
Jan. 10:                    Classification Talk (Keith Walsh)
Jan. 16:                    Board Meeting
Jan. 17:                    Hands to Honduras Update (Linda Gilbert) and Committee Meetings
Jan. 24:                    Maryanne Hamilton (Shelburne Democrats) and Mike Donohue (Shelburne Republicans)
Jan. 31:                    Dan Feliciano, Overseas Worker Experiences
Alan – All under one roof for Thanksgiving
Alan H – To have Lara here
Barb – Four ski days
Bill – To be celebrating my 89th Birthday
Carole – New baby in club and birthdays
Chris – For our guests, new member and Thanksgiving
Erik – To host a terrific “Friendsgiving” celebration
Fritz – To be back
Howard – Irina’s baby
J. Dupee – Bill’s birthday
Jane – Survived Thanksgiving with house guests for 5 days, 22 lb bird, doing the meal and with the new baby
John – To have Carrie Fenn and Margaret Woodruff here
Jon – That Chris and his wife Suzanne will be joining us H2H
Lara – To be back
Linda – For going to Honduras with Chris Davis and wife Suzanne, Margo Casco, Jon Lowell, John Hammer and Sam    Feitelberg
Margaret -  To learn about Rotary and share news from the Charlotte Library
Margo – Thanksgiving at my Grandmother’s
Ric- Sponsoring Natalie McMaster at the Flynn and for Diana Vachon
Richard – New member, Lara and Thanksgiving success
Roz – Welcome to Lara
Sally – To welcome Carrie Fenn, Margaret Woodruff and Lara Keenan
Sam – Great family reunion in Albany
Terry – Bill’s birthday
Tod – Great Thanksgiving with 35 family members
Trafton – New member and Lara here
Another member – To be here 2 weeks in a row after many weeks of interesting adventures and for some new adventures coming up