Charlotte-Shelburne Rotary Club
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Trinity Episcopal Church Community Room
President Richard led the pledge. Kris Engstrom gave the devotional.
There were no visitors
Club Assembly
Upcoming events:
May 14, 2015
Board meeting
May 20, 2015
Joe Colangelo
Shelburne Town Manager
May 27, 2015
Scholarship winners
May 29 - 31, 2015
District Conference
May 30, 2015
Food Shelf Drive (project) at Shelburne Farmers Market
June 19, 2015
June 24, 2015
No meeting will be held (due to Bowlathon/Changing of the Guard)
July 1, 2015
Trafton will take over as the president 2015-2016
Michael Clapp: Michael will circulate a list at next week's meeting to sign up for the Food Shelf Drive.  Members need to help with this service project.  The Food Drive for Shelburne/Charlotte will be held at the Shelburne Farmer’s Market on May 30. The Food Drive for Hinesburg will be held at their Farmer’s Market, but the date is not yet set.
Ric Flood: Ric announced that he is the chair of the Bowlathon and not the Changing of the Guard.  That chair is under the wings of ???  Ric also announced and strongly encourage members to please turn in their list of names for request for donation letters.  His office team will write the letters and address the envelops.  All members need to do is provide names and addresses.
 Richard Fox asked Dennis Bowen to step up
Denny Bowen was presented the Paul Harris 'plus 2' pin.  Congratulations to Denny - he has gone above and beyond in Rotary
Veterans Memorial
Roz mentioned that it is thrilling to see the beginning of the construction of the Veteran's Memorial.  Sam mentioned the dedication will take place September 13, 2015 at 1:00pm.
Sergeant at Arms: Evan Webster suggested the theme of Mother's Day
HAPPY FINES:   $241 in the pot
I’m happy for…
Dave Jonah: mother and mother-in-law
Phil Denu: mother
Kris Engstrom: happy that Mother's Day weekend was the shop's single biggest day
Roz Graham: mother
Richard Fox: mother and mother-in-law
Howard Seaver: happy one of his 3 children found perfect card for mother's day but it was bd card and creatively crossed out the bd words
Linda Gilbert: dancing leaves show that mother is always around
Carole Obuchowski: her daughter is new mother
Trafton Crandall: asparagus
Michael Clapp: mother who is 93, lives in Texas
Denny Bowen: happy
Gary Marcotte: happy
Russ Blodgett: severe case of poison ivy - from being a farmer.  Scoot fine to go to doctor
Sam Feitelberg: mother is always watching him
Ric Flood: operating under solar power; recipient of top service award
Linda Barker: Great trip to South Beach; special card from son
Jim Donovan:  left his Rotary badge at home 
Lucky Draw: Lucky number:  Sam Feitelberg. Rollover
Club assembly
Trafton Crandall spoke briefly of his goals for 2015-2016.  Some goals included dispensing of the board and turning the club into a 'singing' club.  HaHa
In seriousness:  Asks for support of the members; needs everyone to participate; continue and embrace connect with the community theme; community service projects; fellowship; retain loyal members; gain new members - diversity; charitable donation.  Trafton said we have a great club and thanks the members for all they do.
Gary Marcotte asked if club has a presence in Hinesburg:  yes - turkeys; recent building project at Hinesburg school, upcoming food drive project at Hinesburg Farmer's Market.  Suggestions from club members about Hinesburg - recruit members from Hinesburg; create more visibility in the Hinesburg Record and The Citizen; question if the club should add the town of Hinesburg in the club name.
Richard Fox brought discussion to focus more on broader demographics of the club for membership; need more diversity; more women, younger members; family type memberships.  We need to do a better job of educating the community about Rotary and our club.
Trafton Crandall:  to promote Rotary - incorporate social media - Facebook; Front Porch Forum
Discussion to be continued:  how can we increase membership, meeting attendance, service projects.  It was brought up that most people think that Rotary takes too much time. 
These topics will be discussed at the Board Meeting on May 14, 2015.