Charlotte Shelburne Rotary Club
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Trinity Episcopal Community Room
Vice-President Judy Christensen opened the meeting by leading the Pledge, and Kris Engstrom gave the devotional.
Judy introduced the guests: Bengt Onman, Jim powers and Becca Manchester.
Football Pool Prizes
Alan Bates distributed prizes for the winners of the Super Bowl football pool: $50 to Denny Bowen, $300 to Trafton Crandall and $100 to Linda Gilbert. The impact of the pool on the CSR coffers: $2,240. Thanks for all your hard work, Alan.
Events for your calendar:
Librarian Lara Keenan reminded everyone that the Shelburne Business and Professional Association will be holding a mixer at the library on Wednesday, Feb. 17, a chance for anyone interested to learn more about the many services the library can provide as supports to local businesses.
She also announced that during the week of April 23 to 30 there will be a series of lectures and workshops at the libraries in Shelburne and Charlotte on Money Smarts. Anyone who would be interested in speaking in this lecture series should contact Lara at the library.
Rotary meetings in February
Feb. 17 – Chip Spillane on UVM Medical Center (he’s a board member)
Feb. 24 – Phil Murdoch of Essex Rotary on the Vermont Air Show
Feb. 25 – Board meeting
Hands to Honduras
Judy had prepared a showing of the pictures our Hands to Honduras team has posted online and on Facebook. pictures of the Dental Clinic, the NICU and the maternity clinic, and lots of pictures of the excellent team of volunteers at work and at play.
Sergeant at Arms
Evan Webster suggested that the happy fines should have a Valentine theme:
Kris Engstrom – sending Valentine presents to her grandchildren
Jim Donovan – apologies for missing meetings and hoping to be present more often
Judy Christensen – congratulations to the Hands to Honduras volunteers for their work
Steve Dates – sold his house
Richard Fox – happy to welcome his guests Jim and Becca, and announced that the Red Sox are heading south for spring training
Carole Obuchowski – her daughter celebrating her birthday this weekend
Roz Graham – her daughter is also celebrating her birthday -- week – a reminder to the Club that In Full Bloom is a great place for Valentine surprises
Gary Marcotte – for the civil tone of the public meeting about the railway’s salt shed plans Tuesday evening
Tod Whitaker – reminder of Shelburne Food Shelf need for donations – Bijou is the place to go for Valentine gifts
Denny Bowen – thanks for the football pool
Alan Hathaway – no plans for Valentines
Linda Barker – thanks for the football pool – had a great weekend in Montreal
Terry Kennaugh – for the great turnout at the public hearing Tuesday evening – and for seeing two bald eagles on Rock Dunder
Ric Flood – will miss Valentines Day at home – but spending the weekend with daughter
Lucky draw – Jim Donovan’s number was chosen but he missed winning the pot
Table talk
Judy asked that each table discuss possible changes/improvements to two Club traditions, the Halloween Parade and the Car Raffle. The suggestion is that both could be more inclusive, do a better job of raising community awareness of Rotary, and be better fund raisers. Judy collected the reports of each of the tables and will compile their ideas for further consideration.
Reported by Rosalyn Graham