Posted by Christopher Davis on Apr 25, 2018
Charlotte Shelburne Hinesburg Rotary
Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 7:35 a.m.
Trinity Church Community Room
President Erik Kolomaznik led the club in the Pledge and Kris Engstrom gave an inspiring and seasonally-appropriate devotional.
President Erik discussed a list for members to help with the meeting set up, take down and minute taking.  List was not circulated but would be.
President Erik asked members to use the sharing feature on Facebook to distribute information on the Club’s activities before we do them as well as after.  Erik also mentioned that the changing of the guard party would be moved to July, date t.b.d.
A list of proposed service projects to be done at a meeting would be circulated, stay tuned for more information on that.
PR Committee would work on getting information out before the Club does projects.
Judy C. reported that the RYLA Committee (Susan G. and Alan B.) would be reviewing applications form the High School applicants.
Linda G. reported that the Charlotte Beach attendant shack project was taking shape and volunteers would be needed in May for this project.
Many thanks were given to Gary Marcotte and Trinity’s Parish Administrator France LeBlanc, for preparing excellent breakfasts while William was not able to do it.
Bill Root acted as the Sargent at Arms and collected the Happy Fines.
Many happy members.  The $160+ raffle pot was a roll over.
The speaker did not show up.  A request was made for Keith to complete his classification Talk which he did.  An amazing story covering his transition from the Alvin Alley Dance Troupe to Youth Hostel bike trips all over the US, Western Canada and China.  He explained his move into audiology and his successful practices in the Adirondacks and Vermont, and his most recent move to set up his office in Shelburne.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 am.
Recorded by Chris Davis