Posted by Nancy Danforth on Feb 16, 2022

Fellow Rotarian Diana Vachon is our guest today speaking to us about love and kindness. 


Vice President Dan York called the meeting to order at 7:30.


Nancy shared opening words. 


Ric led us in the four-way test.


Chris Davis reported on the Race Vermont race this past weekend, thanking the volunteers and seeking volunteers for the next race, which is Saturday, February 26.


Adam Bartsch reported on Don Condon, whom he saw recently.  Don was not well and the club learned later that he passed away today. 


Laurie Burke requested environmental project ideas be sent to her, some of which already have.  She will compile the ideas and bring it to the club in mid-March.


The next board meeting will be next Thursday, February 24 at 7:30 at the Shelburne Town Hall.


Next week our speakers will be Rene Sanchez and Lynne Jaunich from the Chittenden Valley School District with the budget proposal.


Dan mentioned the “day of service” idea as a follow up to Susan’s presentation about this.  If anyone has any ideas please share to any members of the board.  The Shelburne Pond would be a great activity for the club, changing the pond based on Charlotte Alber’s presentation on native plants and landscaping.  Chris and Diana will get together and discuss some ideas on how our club can make this a more biodiverse location.


Our club ought to convey our work on the bicycle station installations we have done to Rotary International.  Shelburne is reviewing how it might be a friendlier environmental town and the clubs work in this area ought to be noted.   


Chris Davis collected happy fines.


Laurie Burke introduced Diana Vachon who will speak to us about love and kindness!


Diana shared some definitions and some basic premises of this topic and how she was raised, influencing her interest in this area.

She displayed The Nine Enneagram Personality Type wheel, explaining the blending of the personality types and how those types pertain to meditation style. More information can be seen at


Diana explained the love languages, which her Mom shared with her. These descriptions reflect how we give and receive love.  

Diana explained how mercy and compassion is depicted in the Rose Quartz stone, recommended the book “Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Thich Nhat Hanh, which discussed joy and inclusivity. Finally, Diana shared the Hawaiian secret of forgiveness captured in the word ho’oponopono, a process by which we can forgive others to whom we are connected. These are ways we can ensure healthy habits for our minds and bodies and seek love instead of fearing intimacy. 


While contemplating environmental service ideas, we can think of ideas to spread love and compassion to create more love in the world.  


Diana led the club through a QiGong practice. 


Jim Donovan presented Diana the book Loving Kindness” by Deborah Underwood to be donated to the Pierson Library.  


The meeting was closed with the news that John Pane will be the club’s nominee for Vice President.


Dan adjourned the meeting at 8:30.