Posted on May 18, 2022

Librarians: Shared Energy Initiatives


Susan called the meeting to order at 8:30.


Board meeting next thursday at 7:30.


Linda Gilbert will speak on the 25th.


The Food Shelf sent a thank you note for the recent donations of Easter ham.


Make A Wish has sent a notice of their golf tournament on July 8, 2022 in Middlebury. Perhaps our club could have a team.  $400 per team.


The Farmers Market begins next weekend. Chris and Carrie will set up and Carrie and Rene are manning the tent.  The children drawings will be picked up and displayed.  Arrival is targeted for 7:30.  


The Veteran’s donation has been requested again this year.  $250 was approved by the club. 


Dennis collected the happy fines. 


Laurie introduced our three librarians who will speak to us about their energy initiatives.


Kevin Unrath is the Library Director at The Pierson Library in Shelburne. He will speak to us about why libraries are and always have been,green!  The average book will be borrowed and returned twenty six times! Sixty two million books are being recycled and have been for two hundred years. This library is very much a community space for individuals and businesses to work and reuse space. He shared a photo of the “Library of Water” in Iceland.  The library has tubes of water demonstrating the melting of the glaciers. 


Margaret Woodruff spoke next from The Charlotte Library.  She spoke of the Seed Project the library is conducting.  Sustainability is one of the key words of their library.  The Seed Library meets that goal.  You order from a catalog and they will allow you to pick up your order.  A pollinator program is part of this initiative.  Other initiatives have been composting, weed management, garden design, permaculture, friday garden chats, garden starter kits. Slow Food Vermont is an organization they are working with as well.


Beth Royer of Carpenter Carse spoke next.  She became the interim Executive Director in 2018 during a bicycle community event.  Right now they are pursuing and installing solar panels on the building.  She is seeking ideas currently on new initiatives to use at the library.  They are committed to joining the sustainable library organization that is going on locally.  


Laurie thanked the librarians for sharing with us. She presented all three librarians with the book “The Library: A Fragile History” by Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen. The book will be donated by the club to each of the three libraries.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.