Jane Taylor teaches Yoga and shows off her new book, "Spirit Traffic"
December 11th Meeting
Today, our speaker was Jane Taylor who came to talk with us about how yoga can help us reduce holiday stress and anxiety. She walked us through some yoga breathing techniques while sitting in our chairs. Jane has been practicing yoga for almost 20 years; she loves the philosophy of yoga, and the opportunity the practice affords for self-care. She co-leads the Yoga Teacher Training at UVM Recreation Department where she also teaches a noon yoga class. She shared with the group how yoga is a great way to not only find inner calm, but to experience inner happiness. She finds yoga to assist in mindfulness, stress-relief, exercise and of course, fun!
Off the mat, Jane is an author and motorcycle enthusiast. When Jane turned 50 she went out and bought 3 used motorcycles for herself, her husband and son and they rode off to California. Spirit Traffic, A Mother’s journey of self-discovery and letting go, a book Jane wrote describing her experiences during this incredible adventure. She lives in Hinesburg with her husband John who also teaches Yoga, her dog Dewey joins the family at times as well.