John Moore of Green Mountain Transit.
Ric led us in the four way test.
Susan reminded the club of the Spin A Thon on April 9. The AED’s are an important medical tool in public buildings. The town of Shelburne does have a couple around town but the town offices do not currently have one. The cost of the AED is roughly $2500, the batteries last about four years. One will be on display at the Spin A Thon.
The RYLA interviews are being planned in the near future.
Susan shared that the COTS Walk is on May 1. If a team would like to participate from our club, let Susan or Carrie know. Green Up Day is May 7. A Sign Up Genius will be created for the May 7 event by the town of Shelburne.
Shelburne Little League mailed a thank you note for supporting them by purchasing and hanging a banner on the field. Carrie reported all three towns participate in this league.
Dan York announced that The Charlotte Senior Center is seeking volunteers to serve meals on Monday. They are also seeking a volunteer host/greeter.
Our search for a breakfast cook continues!
Susan shared the club has twenty stocked backpacks for Ukraine refugees arriving in Cologne, Germany. She and Linda Barker will deliver them Friday to The Stirling House at The Williston Central School on Friday. The school has already sent one shipment of backpacks.
Denis collected the happy fines.
John Moore was introduced by Denis Barton. John is the General Manager of Green Mountain Transit.
The Chittenden County Transportation Authority was created in 1973. They combined with GMT in 2016. The Board of Commissioners has thirteen members, one of whom is Shelburne Town Manager Lee Krohn, who heads the board. Safety, convenience, accessibility, innovative promotion and operation is their mission.
The organization is supported by public funds and has a $19.5 million budget and expenses of $13.5 million.
Ridership has taken a major hit from the pandemic but is starting to come back, particularly in Chittenden County.
John shared the current routes for Charlotte, Shelburne and Hinesburg. These are fixed routes, with the exception of Sundays. Passenger demand is well researched and a critical piece to budgetary planning.
Future projects include: technology upgrades, Micro Transit-Uber type program/technology based, Transit Strategic Plan Development, CCRPC(Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission) Transit Financing Study, Fleet Replacement Plan, Fleet Electrification, Internal JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Program and Zero fare Service.
Some of the organizational threats to GMT include the cost of fuel, wages, insurance, fares and ADA program, lack of non federal funds and workforce development.
Finally, some opportunities exist with Microtransit, State Climate Action Plan, Partnerships and Infrastructure development.
Jim Donovan presented the book ”Things That Go, Busses Edition” published by Baby Professor to The Pierson Library in Shelburne in John’s name.
Susan adjourned the meeting at 8:30.