Rotarian Jessica Brumsted thanking the CVU Madrigal Singers for coming to our Rotary meeting, very early, and singing beautifully!
December 18th Meeting
Today, we were thrilled to have the Champlain Valley Union High School Madrigal Singers come and join us at our meeting.  Cameron Brownell helped arrange this visit and was able to have 11 wonderful young men and women both sing to us and have us sing with them!  Everyone participated!  It was a terrific morning filled with song.  Afterwards, we heard from all of them how much they enjoy this important school program that is a wonderful example of the impact celebrating the arts can have on all of us.  They are hopeful our schools will continue to provide this opportunity for their students and our communities.  
December 25th – Closed due to the Christmas Holiday
January 1st – Closed due to the New Year’s Day Holiday