Club Meeting today.
Carrie called the meeting to order at 7:30.
HOLIDAY GATHERING- Friday, December 16, 5:30-7:30 pm. Jim and Patricia's home 501 Lake Road, Charlotte. $25/pp,
2023-2024 Officers will include Gerry Lawrence as Vice President. The position of Ambassador remains open.
Food will be collected for the town food shelves over the next couple of weeks. Paper, ornaments, decorations of any kind that would bring a smile to the food shelf recipients will also be collected. Bring to weekly meeting, Christmas gathering or contact Carrie for pickup.
A $500 donation was received from New England Federal Credit Union acknowledging the work our club does.
$5,000 has been received in the Rotary Foundation fundraiser already!
Dan reminded the group that a lifetime cumulative donation of $1,000 earns you a Paul Harris award.
Denis collected the happy fines.
Carrie encouraged the club to think about ideas for District grant monies. Things like work on ice hockey hut or a football club scholarships for new Americans. These are matched gifts.
Linda Gilbert provided an update on the Unsung Community Hero committee work. The recipients do great work but no credit. February will be the first month and then every other month. Potential people or groups; the Shelburne Players, Steve Gonsalves of The Kwini Club, school and town employees, etc, etc. The club can honor the recipient at our weekly meetings as well as place a plaque in each of the three libraries, add each recipient to the plaque in their town. .
The committee meets again January 10.
Denis and John - Co Chairs updated us on their income sensitivity work so far. Are dues a barrier to membership? Do we need more focus on income sensitivity? This is important for recruitment and retention.
Richard Fox offered thoughts on reviewing our club’s purpose of the dues and how we utilize that money. Once we are clear on the impact, we’ll have a better understanding of how to approach and find a solution to this issue.
Jessica asked for ideas for a December 21 weekly meeting, music? We will meet the 21st and have no meeting on the 28th.
Jon shared that the Shelburne Community School is still seeking help on Fridays.
Chris will purchase thirty tickets for the Winter Lights at Shelburne Museum. Email Carrie the number you want, $15 ticket.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.