Past President Carrie Fenn presents new member Lori York with her first Paul Harris pin!
Club Meeting - Speaker was unable to attend.
Welcome to Greg Larson and Harriet Mace, Greg having requested a membership application and Harriet whom is joining this month!
Carrie has emailed out the dues invoices. Reminder: include contribution of $25 for the hardship fund our club is initiating.
June 21 - Changing of The Guard - 5-8:30 Public House social hour followed by The Park Café for dinner. The fee is $30.
Amanda thanked the members who have completed the two surveys she recently sent. Teams survey asked members to sign up for a “team or committee.” Paper copies are available in the back.
Carrie presented a Paul Harris award to Lori York!!
July 4 Hinesburg Parade – a few members are willing to participate in a club “float” that day. Dan will send an email to generate interest.
Catherine announced the tickets are available for the September 13 Golf Ball Drop! Catherine is leading the organization of this event.
September 21 & 22 - Pickleball Tournament - Two day tournament this year! Potential Advanced players tournament will be sanctioned.
Thank you to the breakfast crew this morning!
Dan asked the club to talk quietly amongst ourselves at our tables about Create Hope in the World” and the ways we can and do this as a club.