Club Meeting August 4, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Susan at 7:33
Nancy began the meeting with an invocation followed by Ric leading us in the Rotary four way test.
Susan welcomed our guest Rene Sanchez the new Superintendent of Champlain Valley School District. He is happy to be moving to Vermont! He and his wife lived previously in Indiana where he was a member of the South Bend, IN Rotary Club. One of the first things Rene will do as Superintendent is create a five year plan.
Three more weeks of the food drive so please bring in food items. Susan indicated that Dana at Days Inn has also requested socks so please go through your sock drawer.
Susan modeled the new tee shirts that are navy blue with the new Rotary logo. There are mens and womens at $16 each.
Saturday’s Race VT event will take place at The Sugar Shack and four or five people have signed up for the parking duties.
Roz requested continued help at the Farmers Market and greatly appreciates all the help the club has provided. Set up and take down at 7:30 or 1:00. Susan will sign up the club for a Shelburne Day table on August 21.
Linda Gilbert-no word for gardening help yet but she still anticipates they’ll need help at the end of the month for the picking.
Susan is awaiting word on the spelling bee which is next week.
John Dupee presented two books to the Pierson Library in the name of Phyllis Deming who passed away last month. Phyllis owned the Shelburne Book Shop, an original book store in Shelburne.
The Shelburne Rec Dept thanked us for the donation of $1,000 for renovation of the beach house.
Susan shared an email from Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta. If each member brings one member, stagnant growth can be reversed. Perhaps we can engage younger people in service projects as one way to encourage younger people to join and/or become interested in Rotary.
Golf Ball Drop: the Beta helicopter crash was mechanical but Susan spoke with Nick and he is confident they will be able to fly by the time the event takes place. We need to publicize about the possible noise from the helicopter which will last for five minutes. The committee will come up with a Plan B in case Beta Technologies is unable to fly.
Linda Gilbert shared a story of a young man in Tela that required hearing aids. Keith Walsh was able to secure the aids and with the help of a Honduran bound visitor they were able to reach the young man. Great work by everyone involved!
Bob did the happy fine.
Susan and Bob did a walk through on the Eventgroove app for the sales of the golf ball tickets. If folks can`t use an app they can go on our website and select the article and the link will bring you directly to the website to donate there. People don`t have to be present to win. Email the weblink to people who live out of town and be sure to share the link on social media.
Nancy shared closing words.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.