Tammy Carroll from Big Beautiful Life is our guest speaker today. https://bigbeautifullife.org/
Gail Feitelberg and Carol Georges are proposed for membership by Ric Flood on April 19, 2023.
Tammy Carroll and Gail Feitelberg are guests today.
May 20 is the Spinathon at Shelburne Athletic Club, the sign up will be live soon.
Carrie has received a request for a donation to the South Burlington Rotary, they are putting in a grant request for $4,000 for Wood 4 Good. This is a matching grant. There was general support by the club and the request will go before the board.
The grant for the Burlington Football Club, also a matching grant in the amount of $3,900 has been submitted.
May 3 is the first Little League Snack Shack, Carrie and Linda B have the first shift!
May 6 is the first RaceVermont race; one volunteer is still needed, please see Chris Davis.
Amanda introduced Tammy Carroll, founder, along with her husband of Big Beautiful Life, founded the 501c3 in October 2022, in honor of their daughter, Addi, who passed away last year of undiagnosed medical complexities. The foundation provides joy and medical assistance to children in medical crisis and the people who help them.
Tammy shared a video of Addi and her life that aired after she passed away in June of 2022. Addi lived life to the fullest and was the hero of her own story. She was an honorary member of the Essex Fire Department who named engine one “Addi’s Engine.” Their support for Addi and the family was incredible.
With the help of a teacher, Addi wrote the book “Addi’s Engine” and “Angel Flight” with the proceeds going to Essex Fire Department and Angel’s Flight. Since then the non-profit has continued to grow and be able to donate books and money to various, related causes. Angel’s Flight Northeast was also a pivotal player in Addi’s care along with the Red Cross.
They also create and distribute Joy Kits in her name. These kits have a blue tooth speaker for music (Addi loved to dance!), vinyl wall stickers, festive hospital gowns, homemade pillow cases, Darn Tough socks, a party light, fire truck squishies, etc, all donated by sponsors and donators.
They also plan to raise awareness for community helpers of these chronically ill children.
Tammy stressed the importance and need of fire personnel and their job and needs. Their plans are for family funding, emergency services, social work incentive, educator curriculum and working to refine the mission.
Please consider signing up for the Big Beautiful Life 5k Run Walk and Roll: https://runsignup.com/Race/VT/EssexJunction/BigBeautifulLife5KRunWalkRoll
Carrie presented the book to Tammy “Addi’s Engine” which will be donated to The Charlotte Pierson Library.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30