Rotary Member Jim Donovan presents Teena Flood with a book, "The Quickening; Antartica, Motherhood and Cultivating Hope in a Warming World" that will be in the Charlotte Library in her name.
Rotary Meeting:
- Thank you to Ric Flood for the challenge of two items for the food shelf. Needed items include Cranberry Sauce, 15oz, Gravy, 11oz – 15oz, Instant Potatoes, 13oz – 17oz, Stuffing Mix, 6oz, Cake Mix, 13oz – 16oz, Frosting, 14oz – 16oz and Canned Fruit: Pineapple, Peaches, Mandarin Oranges, 11oz – 15oz.
- If you'd like to reach out to Karen Rose, Ric Flood provided me with her contact information. P: 802-734-0334 E: zinkegrl@gmail.com A: 1182 Iriquois Dr, Barefoot Bay, FL 32976
- Sign up for WindowDressers & Halloween Parade using the links below!
- Sam and Lauren are expecting soon. Sign up on their Meal Train to support them during this time!
- Calendar:
- Oct 17 - CSH Board Meeting - Fundraising - All are welcome!
- Oct 20 - Rotary Club of Middlebury Walk for Polio Fundraiser
- Oct 27 - Halloween Parade
- Oct 31- Nov 6 - WindowDressers Build Week
- June 21-25 - Rotary International Convention - Calgary, CA
Our speaker this week was someone many of us know and love, Teena Flood, Rotary Member, Ric Flood's wife. Teena has now traveled to all 7 continents - her last continent to visit was Antartica - she came and spoke with us today about her incredible visit there armed with wonderful pictures giving us all the sense of what you might encounter should you make the trek! Here are a few very interesting facts we learned:
* There are no residents of Antartica
* To get to Antartica you must go by sea through the Drake Passage, 600 miles, it takes 2 days to cross and it is known to be the most treacherous water passage in the world due to the very high stormy seas. When traveling the Drake Passage you will only see water for 2 days and it would be a good idea to pack Dramamine for your voyage. This is truly an expedition, not a cruise.
* Once you arrive, you need to be transported on a smaller boat, a Zodiak, to reach the land. You must dress in a life suit and wear a special coat and boots in order to be absolutely sure that you bring no germs in to the area.
* Antartica is made of ice, snow and black rock.
* There are 4 types of penguins that live on Antartica; Adalie, Gentu, Emperor, and Chin Strap, and 2 types of seals; Leopard and Fur Seals - Fur Seals are the only seals that have ears. You must always remain 15 feet from all land animals and 100 feet from mammals like whales in the sea.
Teena presented so much more than I have written here... she did a terrific job helping us to imagine the trip and appreciate the land mass and its inhabitants as well as the importance of preserving the area as there is so much we can learn from this part of the world. Thank you Teena!