Rotarian Catherine Meller presented $3000 to Shelburne Fire and Rescue 
November 20th Club Meeting 
Today, our club heard from Judy Chaves about the Secrets of Mt. Philo.  This is a wonderful book that guides you to more than 30 historic sites in Vermont’s oldest state park, detailing what's there and placing it within the context of the park's, state's, and region's landscape history.  She gave a wonderful talk and shared many of the pictures from her book.  She even shared spots we should look for when walking up the mountain; things like the iron railings, the foundations from old shelters, stone fences, etc.  Judy did an incredible job helping us to go with her to distant days when Mt. Philo had no trees due to “sheep fever” – you felt like you could see the deforested hill and imagine the marino sheep grazing along the dirt roadside.  Truly an incredible presentation
Before Judy spoke during our Rotary Meeting Catherine Meller presented a $3000 check to Shelburne Fire and Rescue.  These funds were raised during the "golf ball drop" event at Kwiniaska Club this past Spring.  Catherine did an incredible job with a committee of other Rotarians to pull this important event together.  In addition prizes were awarded for the women's and men's longest drive competitions.